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West Central GLRS

is a member of the Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS), which is a network of 18 regional programs that provide training and resources to school district personnel, parents of students with disabilities, and other interested individuals to support the achievement, graduation rate, and post-secondary success of students with disabilities. 


GLRS staff is specialized in providing professional learning, technical assistance and coaching for school systems on a variety of topics related to students with disabilities including:


  • Providing Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) support to school systems.

  • Supporting the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) - Student Success: Imagine the Possibilities

  • Developing other specialties based on student needs related to indicators in the State Performance Plan.

Cultivating the Seeds of

Lifelong Learning

From on-site training and leadership development to whole child supports and in-classroom services, the West Central GLRS helps all educators and students succeed.

We are your partner for success. Explore what West Central GLRS can do for you. 

In a Meeting
Girl in Wheelchair
Teacher with Pupils

Mastering the
IEP Process

A multi session professional learning that addresses all aspects of the IEP process through collaborative practice and rich discussions. 

SWD Performance


Working together to improve the outcomes of students with disabilities through coaching & implementation of the West Central GLRS Job Embedded PD Framework

Multi-Tiered Systems
of Support (MTSS)

A collaborative community to discuss topics and issues related to the implementation of the Multi-tiered System of Supports in the traditional “Brick-and-mortar” setting and the virtual classroom setting


Upcoming Professional Learning

Interested in attending FREE professional development?
Upcoming Professional Learning
Virtual Conference

2024 GLRS Virtual Retreat


The 2024 GLRS virtual conference will cover a wide range of topics that equip special education leaders and instructors to transform practices to meet the needs of Students with Disabilities

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Image by ThisisEngineering RAEng

Building Level Administrator Collaborative

9/26/23 - 3/26/24

Calling all building level administrators (Principal's, AP's, Special Education Leads, Lead Teachers) who support students with disabilities. In this Building Level Administrator Collaborative we will engage in collaborative conversations around best practices related to the following topics: special education teacher evaluations, discipline and other topics determined by the collaborative group. 

Meeting Room

Mastering the IEP Process


In Mastering the IEP Process, special education teachers will take an indepth look at the entire special education process from referral to dismissal/graduation/aging out. Topics such as managing the IEP meeting, case management best practices, establishing present level of performance, goal setting, FBA/BIP development/implementation and collecting and monitoring data will be covered through 4 sessions (2 virtual sessions and 2 face to face sessions).

Participants will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with peers to develop compliant IEP's.

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Behavior Collaborative 


Join this collaborative community to discuss topics and issues related to supporting a positive and supportive school climate. This learning opportunity is open to educators who are responsible for and/or participate in the management, implementation and fidelity of behavioral assessment, interventions and supports at the district and/or school level.
We will share resources and explore challenges with meeting the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of our students. Please join us as we work to build capacity within our school systems, and learn how to empower our teachers and parents to assist in improving student outcome!

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Everything a General Education Teacher Needs to know about Special Education

Coming Soon! 

During this professional learning session, general education teachers will take a deep dive into the world of Special Education. Topics will include:

  • The law related to the responsibilities of the general education teacher

  • The role of a general education in the IEP process

  • The role of the general education teachers in content delivery

  • Impact of disability on learning - instructional implications

Participants will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with peers to develop a deeper understanding of their role in supporting our students with disabilities.


Whether you are new to the profession or just need a refresher, come learn with us.

Technology at School

Assistive Technology Consortia


Join this collaborative community to discuss topics and issues related to the implementation of Assistive Technology.  This learning opportunity is open to educators and technology specialist who are responsible for and/or participate in the management, implementation and fidelity assessment of assistive technology devices and services at the district and/or school level.

In a Meeting

IEP Bootcamp


This professional learning is designed for any special education teacher, veteran or novice, who is wanting to sharpen their IEP writing skills, while reflecting on our work through a due process lens. This session will focus on how to ensure all components of the IEP are complainant and that the IEP lays a foundation for effective student services and support. Whether you are new to the profession or just need a refresher, come learn the “art” of writing the IEP.

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Preschool Consortia


The Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B Section 619 is intended to help states ensure that all preschool-aged children (3 through 5 year of age) with disabilities receive  special education and related services. The Preschool Special Needs Consortium will serve as a collaborative network of regional educators and leaders that discuss, develop, and engage in best practices that support our young learners. Consortium members will follow state priorities and establish regional priorities to guide the focus of each session.

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Speech and Language Pathologist Consortia


Calling all SLP’s who are looking for an opportunity to collaborate with their colleagues across our region. Join this collaborative community to discuss topics and issues related toproviding speech and language services. This learning opportunity is open to SLP’s and/or coordinators who are responsible for and/or participate in the management and implementation of speech and language services at the district and school level. We will share resources, engage in collegial conversations and explore challenges.

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Paraprofessional Institute 

Coming Soon! 

​Paraprofessionals, we have something just for you! This course is designed to share best practices for paraprofessionals. This course will focus on roles and responsibilities, effective instructional strategies, behavioral supports and problem solving. Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with other paraprofessionals throughout our region. We intend for each participant to walk away feeling supported and prepared to use these best practices in their everyday work. This course will be a blended format with a portion of the course to be completed asynchronously prior to the face to face session. 

Kids with Capes

Educators Collaborative: Meeting the needs of students with Intellectual Disabilities


You are invited to join this virtual collaborative community where we will learn from each other and discuss best practices related to meeting the needs of students with Intellectual Disabilities. This learning opportunity is open to any educator who is responsible for teaching and implementing IEP’s.

Child at Psychologist

School Psychologist Consortia


Join this collaborative community to discuss topics and issues that influence practicing School Psychologists. Using the Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and IDEA requirements as a framework, we will share resources and facilitate discussions related to best practices in the field of School Psychology.

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MTSS Consortia

10/5/23 & 1/25/24

Join this collaborative community to discuss topics and issues related to the implementation of the Multi-tiered System of Supports in the traditional “Brick-and-mortar” setting and the virtual classroom setting. This learning opportunity is open to educators who are responsible for and/or participate in the management, implementation and fidelity of the MTSS process at the district and/or school levels. We will explore how to integrate the key components of the MTSS framework. Across multiple sessions, we will provide examples and facilitate group discussions around universal screening, progress monitoring, data-based decision making, and the multi-level prevention system.

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Teacher Academy for High Leverage Practices

23-24 School Year 

West Central GLRS at West GA RESA is excited to invite you to join the Teacher Academy for High Leverage Practices. This PL includes PL Sessions, Coaching Sessions and Mixed Reality Simulations on High Leverage Practices & IEP Competencies.


High Leverage Practices are fundamental to effective teaching across tiers, cuts across content domains and grade levels, are used frequently, and are research-based. Please click the link below for more detailed information.

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Specially Designed Instruction Series 


Making Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) a reality in every classroom every day. Come spend three days with us and learn how to plan for, design, and deliver effective SDI. You will walk away with practical tools and strategies to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities.


Contact Us

If you interested in more information regarding possible PL TA or additional resources please fill out the form below

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